Upstate NY Babies

S/O number of kids

What are your reasons for the number of kids that you want/have, if you wish to share?

We have always talked about having two.  One of the main factors is DH and I LOVE to travel and it just seems like traveling is set up for families of 4 (or 3) (hotel rooms, cruise ships, rental cars, roller coasters :).  Our ILs camper sleeps 4 comfortably, which they have offered us to take anytime we want.  We want to do several cross country trips as well as take our kids internationally, before they graduate HS.  

We currently have a 2 bedroom house, we will renovate or buy bigger, but the smaller mortgage right now allows me to work part-time, which I love.  Having 2 boys makes this easier for a longer period of time. 

We are both 35 and feel like having a baby much later would be hard.  

We can provide nicely for 2.   

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