Upstate NY Babies

I turned off the monitor... (long-ish)

For the 1st time in over 18 months! The past 2 night E has been crying/moaning/dreaming out loud every hour!!! Last night she did it a few times before we had gone to bed yet. It lasts for a few minutes then silence. Then we get in bed, no sooner she's crying, yelling "Mommy, Dada". We let her CIO for about 2 min then silence. Then about 1/2 hr later, started up again. This time lasted longer, so DH got up and I guess he cuddled with her for a bit, then laid her back down...after he got back in bed, she started up about a 1/2 hr later. Normally I let her CIO and if it's just dreaming or whatever she cries for moments then is fine for the rest of the night, but this repetition each hour was NUTS, especially for the 2nd night in a row! So I went in this time, she was sound asleep, up against the side of her crib, I straightened her out, and put her blankets back on and she stuck her thumb in her mouth and continued sleeping. Then like clockwork 1/2 hr goes by, I'm just FINALLY falling asleep (2am-ish)...she's crying again. So...I turned off the monitor in our room. I slept without interruption til 6:30am, had to get up for my preggo potty visit, she was silent. Went back to sleep til 8:15ish and she was still sleeping! YAY!

Thing is I am paranoid if I don't have her monitor on, I won't hear her if she REALLY needs me. Or if she vomits or something (she was sick a few weeks back). Our room is far away where we can't hear unless she's REALLY loud. And I don't even know if we'd hear her then! I really hope this is just a phase. Anyone else go thru anything like this???

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