Cloth Diapering

First "Solids" Poo

Ok, we haven't had one yet, but, we started solids on Saturday.  I don't think she has actually "eaten" enough to have any change on her poo yet, but, I am sure it is coming soon.

Our changing table is in DD's room.  I am not sure about how to get the poopy diaper from her room to the toilet, and then back in her room and in the diaper pail.  Either I have to find somewhere to lay the poopy diaper down (the floor???) while I finish changing DD and then rinse it, or, hope DH is around to rinse it or take over changing DD.

So, how do y'all do it?  I wish our bathroom was big enough to set up a pail & changing station in, but, it isn't unfortunetly. 

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