Upstate NY Babies

Who are these kids?

This little girl has replaced my baby girl!  OUt of the blue, she woke up this morning and started calling me MINDY!  I agreed that is my name, but I am Mommy.  But nope, still calling Mindy.  And she says it amazingly well!  I thought I would have at least 12 more yrs of being MOM :-(  Plus I think it is time to go and let her pick out her first set of underwear Crying  She has been consistantly using the potty, and she is even using it for poop.  I know I should be happy about the potty training, but she is just so young.  And Tyler, OMG, Tyler.  You should see the things this kids is building and drawing!  He is a little gentleman with wondrful manners, as long as his difficulty controling his emotions don't get in the way.  I am realy anxious to see this years cognitive testing, last year when he was only 2 they stopped at age 6 for the sake of time.  I wouldn't be surprized if he functions around age 8-9 this year.  Who are these kids, and where did my babies go?  I want my babies back.  Huh?
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