Cloth Diapering

WHO does that?!

I all but had a CD stolen from me yesterday in front of 15 people! Before I explain, let me just say that I could have spoken up and kept it, but what would you have done in my shoes?

I felt like crap yesterday.. because that's what being 38 weeks pregnant is like. Every day. My fiance and I get a call from a close friend of his family asking us to come in out in a snow storm to pick up a baby item. I was going to stay home, but I was pretty sure this was an attempt at a surprise baby shower for his side of the family- and I was right. FI's dad asked me to bring one of the diapers I made to show the family friend, and soon after arriving at my shower it was being passed around for everyone to look at. 

This was the first time I had met any of my FI's aunts and let me just say.. I can definitely see why he's avoided introducing them to me thus far. They are the most catty, gossipy, dramatic, bitchy women I have ever met- EVER. The family friends that were there, and one of FI's aunts were the real enjoyment at the shower, and all in all I had a great time (aside from being exhausted).

On her way out, my FI's b!tchiest, loudest, most obnoxious aunt grabs my diaper off the coffee table and says "I'm taking this with me do you mind? I'm going to try and sell it. I'm bringin this thing to wal mart.. we'll put you to work! I can have it right?"

I wanted to slap her, but I was exhausted, full of anxiety from being so uncomfortable in a hot stuffy moblie home with 15 people (all but 4 of whom I had JUST met) and this loud mouth woman who has been doing nothing but b!tch since I got to the party grabs my diaper and tells me she's taking it before actually asking me if she can do so. Rude much? So with 10 strangers staring at me as she holds the diaper up over her purse I say.. 'um.. I mean I guess.. if you really think you need to." Of course she didn't take the hint and she left with my diaper!


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