Cloth Diapering

Figured out hemp caused my little one's rash!

My son had a reoccurring rash for months. It was only on his front area, right where he wets. It was red and flat and would disappear within a day with the use of desitin.

I stripped all of my diapers but it still came back. It was so frustrating. I contacted the owner of Jack's Be Natural (Stacy) since she always provided great customer service. After talking through everything she suggested stripping my hemp inserts. She said that since hemp is woven so tightly it can be harder to get clean. The combination of buildup plus acid from urine could be causing the rash. She emailed me hemp washing instructions from Babykicks which included using baking soda in the hot wash and winger in the rinse cycle.

In the meantime, I decided to only use mf inserts in my pockets. It has been almost a week and this is the longest we have ever gone without a rash. I did wash the hemp inserts according to the directions provided. I will start using them tomorrow.

This was the last thing that I thought was causing my son's rash. I wanted to share just in case anyone was having this problem

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