Cloth Diapering

Washing Cloth Wipes

Hi ladies!


I have recently began trying out CDs on my 2 y/o in preparation of our new baby coming this summer and I LOVE them! We especially love our cloth wipes, they work much better for us than disposable wipes and are gentler on DD's skin. We also use them to wipe her hands sometimes when they are especially messy. Of course we use a new wipe each time.


I was talking to my mom about this today and she said, "Well, I hope you are bleaching those or not using them anywhere else!"  and I hadn't really thought about that being necessary. We just wash them with our cloth diapers. Cold rinse, hot wash with Charlie's soap, another additional cold rinse and then into the drier. I didn't think it was safe to use bleach anyway. Is it unsanitary to wash the wipes and then use them to wipe her hands or face next time? Is there something else I should be doing? I hadn't even thought about it...



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