Upstate NY Babies


I have a random question for you - Yesterday I got contacted to do the wedding cake for a May 28th wedding. I'd love to do it because I really want to build up my portfolio, but I'll be 33 weeks pregnant.

Would you do it if you were me? I know you are right around 33-34 weeks right now and you're a baker, do you feel you could handle doing a wedding cake? And also - who knows how I'll be in terms of my health (if I have to be on bedrest, etc.). I don't like thinking worst case scenario but with twins you obviously never know.

I'd just hate to commit to this and have something come up at the last minute where I wouldn't be able to do it, you know?


A Tale of Two Babies, My Pregnancy/Baby Blog
Le Petit Pierogi, My Food Blog Photobucket
TTC for 1.5 years due to PCOS - we are now blessed with twin girls from the help of IUI & Injects! Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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