Upstate NY Babies

Evan wore his backpack (aka leash) for the first time

Evan is a runner. The second his feet touch the ground he is like Forrest Gump. So when we go anywhere DH always just runs after him while Leah and I shop or whatever. We went to the aquarium yesterday (which we haven't been to is pretty small so he didn't really need it there) but I wish we would have used it a lot sooner!!! I wanted to try it out - specifically for when I take them out alone somewhere without the stroller and mostly for walking to and from places.


It comes down to this - for my DS anyway...either we have to hold his hand or arm to keep him close or we can put this on him and let him explore what he wants and go where he wants to go. I don't want to pull and yank on his arm, this is a great solution for us. If he started running and reach the limit he would actually WALK! It was a miracle - haha!

When it was ok for him to run totally free - we just tucked the tail into the pack.

I know a lot of people just can't see themselves putting a leash on their kid (but typically those people only have one kid or don't have two so close in age) My dad is horrified at Evan's backpack -hehe! But I love how it keeps him safe and close without having to squeeze and pull him by the arm -like I see WAY too often :(

Just thought I would share!

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