Upstate NY Babies

Double stroller dilemma solved...for now..

We are going to use a crappy old carseat that my MIL had to trade-in today at BRU and get a Graco Duo-glide for $100.  That will get us through the summer/winter (our infant carseat will fit in it) and then we can decide next year if we want a nice double umbrella or jogging stroller.  Evan does not like the stroller as it is, so to spend $400+ right now (plus carseat attachment), without knowing just seems silly.  We are going to keep the receipt in case I change my mind :) well as keep and continue to use our single BOB for when Evan can walk where we are going.  
imageimage PHOTO Credit: Meryl :)Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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