Upstate NY Babies

Scary night (A little TMI)

I'll try to keep this short(ish). I was wait-listed for my D&C for sometime today, and as of yesterday, they couldn't tell me when or even IF I would get in since the schedule was full. Well, last night after I put DD down for bed, I started bleeding very heavily. I figured it was my body's way of "getting things started" but it kept getting worse and worse. I was passing clots and tissue and massive amounts of blood, so I called the OB on call. He had me go to the ER (this was a little after midnight) so we brought DD to my mom's house and headed in.

Turns out I had lost so much blood, and my blood pressure was so low, I needed a blood transfusion. They were able to bump the first OR patient of the day and get me in before them at 7:45 this morning. I am home now resting in my own bed, pain free but exhausted! Oy vey.  Sorry that got a little long!

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