Single Parents

We're making progress.

I told STBXH that I retained an attorney and, as I expected, he was pissed. I think I calmed him down when I explained that I did this to protect myself and DS, not to "get" him. That hasn't been and never will be my intention. It's not about him, it's not about's about protecting my sweet little boy and making sure his future is taken care of.

We're also making headway on the custody front. STBXH now realizes that I really won't give in to 50/50 physical custody because it's not appropriate for DS at this age. We had agreed to EOW when we first separated, so why would it change so drastically? I fully support DS spending time with his father, but only as it's appropriate for his age. We've tentatively agreed to EOW (for 2 nights), Wednesday nights from 4:00pm-7:00pm and two weeks of non-consecutive vacation in the summer months. The holiday schedule was worked out this past holiday season, so that's not an issue.

I emailed my attorney w/ the details of the tentative custody arrangement, so he'll be including it in the initial papers. He's working on drafting them and hopefully they'll be done soon so we can get this rolling! feels good to be moving forward finally.

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