Single Parents

WWYD? for the working SPs. Long.

A little background:

My Undergrad is a BA in Marketing

Spent 8 years out of college working in banking as a financial adviser then a branch manager. Once my DC came along I got tired of working 60-80 hours a week and decided to go back to school to become a teacher like I've always dreamed.

During the middle of my Master's program  all the  drama w/STBXH unfolded. I'd already paid for my accelerated program so I pushed through and got my Master's in Education.

I'm currently subbing and while the flexibility is nice, the pay isn't enough to support 2 children all by myself. My bankruptcy and divorce will be finalized by the end of this school year so I've got to figure out what to do with my life.

My dream is to be a teacher, but the 1st few years of teaching are complete hell and I don't know if I can do it as a single parent, mentally and financially. I could go back into banking and back to only seeing DC a few hours a day until STBXH gets out of prison and can start paying child support.

It's already a struggle to spread my time between DD & DS, not to mention DD's homework every night, cooking dinner, extracurricular activities and keeping the house clean. I just don't know how to do it all.

WWYD? Teach, previous job, something totally different? It's all very overwhelming and scary as hell.

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