March 2011 Moms

Speaking of sitters...Wedding Schedule 2011 is booking up!

Just wondering if anyone else is a little stressed about future commitments in 2011? 

I bought a wall calendar last week and just now started filling it out. I have one wedding to attend in September and two in November. All three are in NY, while I live in southern VA. I'm really excited for all of these occasions, but starting to panic a bit about how I'll manage LO, the car or plane rides, boarding the pets, etc. DH is in the military and unlikely to be able to attend any of these weddings, and the only saving grace is that my parents live in the town where two of the weddings will take place. I'll also be working on a budget since I'm transitioning to SAHM and my paycheck used to cover little road trips like these. (Not to mention -- bridal showers and bachelorette parties!)

In addition to those weddings, I also already signed up for an Olympic-distance Triathlon in September. I had to commit early to save money on the entrance fee -- and I'm really excited to have a race to train for over the summer, that's kind of "my thing," but...yikes! LO will only be six months! What was I thinking?! 

So, just hoping some fellow March or 2nd Time Moms might also be going through this and that at least one or two of you can assure me it will all be okay!! 

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