Single Parents

I overreacted, but I don't care (long)

Thursday night H and I discussed how it was probably not in B's best interest for homewrecker g/f to be around him right now as he's forming attachments and don't want to confuse him if she ends up exiting the picture.  H hasn't had him in 11 days (due to being in jail) and against my better judgement, finally agreed to let him have B overnight tonight. H goes out on a flippin date with her tonight-with B. B developed an awful cough today and not only did H keep him out 2 hours past bedtime, but took him to the mall of all places.  Then he flat out lied when I asked him how bedtime went-he said it went well.   Yeah, except he was at the mall at the time. 

I showed up and took B home with me, much to his dismay.  Bummer I had to interrupt their "family" time huh? Angry

How do I get him to understand that B's well being isn't just about what we can see?  I wasn't concerned about his safety at all, and I truly don't think H would ever do anything to compromise that. I am concerned with all the psychological effects these actions are having.  H thinks that as long as B smiles and giggles, then that means nothing else is having a detrimental effect on him. 

He kept him out way past bedtime after telling me he keeps the same bedtime routine as I do because it's best for B, lied to me about bedtime tonight (because it was easier that way he said), had g/f around at the first opportunity after agreeing it wasn't right.  I just feel like he's putting his wants above B's best interests.  Am I being too overprotective?  Am I wrong to think H should do his adulterous behavior on his own time and not on his parenting time?

imageimage. Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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