Cloth Diapering

WWYD? Re: MIL and CDs

My sister is having her first baby Feb. 20th. She is having a csection because she is breech so I will be with her for a week in another state. MIL is coming to my house to watch DS while my DH is at work. She has said she is fine doing the CDs...and washing them. But, she is somewhat flighty at times. I feel like if I gave explicit instructions, she would mess it up and then laugh it off to me. That's what she does. If I wrote everything down (wash instructions, what I stuff pockets with for daytime and nighttime, MF never goes on the skin, laundry tabs, no fabric softener, no diaper cream, etc..)  I wonder if she will get it all correct. I don't think its hard. I dove in head first with this not really knowing what I was doing. But, I worry about her screwing something up and potentially ruining the diapers. Then I think, how could she ruin them? It's kind of hard to. If I hide all the detergent except for the CD detergent....and as long as she doesn't dry the pockets, I'm not sure she could ruin them.

I hate to buy sposies for her to use. $25 on sposies is money that could be spent on a CD. But, I don't want to have to worry about the CDs and how everything is going with them when I am with my sister and niece/nephew.

Any tips? My gut tells me just to buy the damn sposies for peace of mind.

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