Cloth Diapering

I need some help for the stinkies.

The last load of CDs I did was just plain weird. I had 2 days worth of diapers (like usual). I did my normal routine (warm rinse, super long hot/cold wash with RnG, cold rinse). When I went to take them out of the washer they still smelled like poop. So I washed again (hot/cold wash with RnG). And again. And again. All told I did my normal routine + 5 hot/cold washes + 2 cold rinses. Nothing has changed. I've been using RnG for a while. The diapers don't smell like ammonia and I still have the same washer (which still gets everything else clean).

Ds poop is usually very plopable. The wash I just did had 1 or 2 diapers that had some poop smeared on them but I scraped then dunked so that shouldn't have been a problem. What gives? Should I switch detergents? Strip?

Also, my pail liner still kind of smells like poop. I've always had that issue though. It doesn't matter if I turn the bag inside out or not. It always smells faintly of poop when I put it in the pail. Any clue as to what might be going on here?

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