1st Trimester

Crazy 24 hours - longish

Hi ladies!

The past 24 hours have been nutty.  I went to my RE for my 8 wk u/s and baby was only measuring 6wks 6 days but had a heartbeat of 140.  My 6 week ultrasound measured 5wks 1 day.  I went to the Er last week for bleeding and was measuring 6wks5dqys.  So my RE sat me down and told me that there's a really good chance I'm going to lose the pregnancy since the baby is so small.  I was just not totally comfortable with this, so I saw my ob today who said that she was encouraged that the baby had grown almost a full 2 weeks in the 2 weeks between ultrasounds when measured on the same machine (discounting the Er visit).  She also said the kind of bleed I had is totally normal and fine.  She said that I have just as much of a chance of miscarriage as any other 7 week pregnant lady.  So I go back next Thursday to the re for an ultrasound and then to the ob a week after that to try to hear the heartbeat assuming its still there next week and baby is growing.

the ob also said that since I was on clomid I could have ovulated a second time later in my cycle beyond when I tested positive on my opk 


so....I'm waiting.  I won't know anything really until next Thursday so I'm going to try to stay positive and hope for the best!  Fingers crossed!  If anyone else has experiences like this I'd love to hear about them. 

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