3rd Trimester

Induction tomorrow

I am getting induced due to mild preeclampsia. I made it to 39 weeks so I am very happy. This is my 1st and I don't know what to expect at all. But I am going in with my husband in the morning. Our family keeps asking when they can come...I really don't know what to say. I know I don't want anyone there when I am in actual labor and pushing. We told my mom and MIL this and they both seemed disappointed. But I would really feel uncomfortable with anyone there other than my husband. I felt a little bad saying it. But I need to focus and be as calm as I possibly can be. But my dr. said that i could potentially be in labor for 2-3 days esp. since I am not dilated at all. So did anyone have family hang out with you during the beginning of the process of induction? I told my mom we would call once i am settled in but i don't know how i will feel...will i be in pain or just bored laying in bed???Not sure if I will be in the mood for company.
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