Attachment Parenting

BFing while pregnant Q

I just found out I'm expecting #2 and LO still nurses a lot. I intend to BF through pregnancy and tandem BF if desired by LO but I have a concern about his nutrition.

We haven't introduced alternative milks because he nurses so much it hasn't seemed necessary. And neither me nor H drink milk. He has eaten cheese/yogurt without ill effect and I've consumed dairy the entire time he's nursed, so I don't think he'll have a problem with milk. But he doesn't always eat dairy every day as he is quite the picky eater lately.

Now I am concerned about my milk drying up since from what I read it happens to a large majority of women by mid-pregnancy. Should we start introducing some alternative milk now, I'm thinking like a small cup a day so if/when my milk dries up it's not a problem?

If so, would you suggest cow or goat? I have convenient access to both. 

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