Blended Families

I need advice/ suggestions...

I am not a blended family but I do have a 14 year old.  Her father and I have been divorced for 12 years.  I have physical custody and he has vistitaion.  He lives in the next town over.  He can basically taker her whenever he wants, just needs to ask.  No problems there.  No fighting.  He has pretty much stuck to every other weekend and thats it.  He sometimes asks to pick her up if there is a birthday or event he wants to bring her to during the week but its mainly every other weekend.  He picks her up at home on Fridays after work and drops her off at her volunteer job on Sundays (9am)..I pick her up from there and bring her home (about 11).

Now to where I need advice.  She was accepted to a high school in another county, so we are moving.  He is on board with this since its a good oppurtunity for her.  We are moving an hour away.  We are moving to Town A, he lives in Town B and I work in Town C.  Towns  A, B and C are all an hour from each other.  I still have my hour commute and where we are moving is an hour away from where he lives. (Who's on first?)

Originally I thought I could do one way, he could do the other. But then I got to thinking...If i dropped off, that would be an hour home, an hour to drop her off, then an hour home again (3 hours on a Friday ngith in traffic)  He would have 2 hours. to go both ways.

I want to suggest we just meet Saturday morning halfway instead and he keeps her till later on Sundays (after dinner maybe) so neither of us have to drive in Friday night traffic.  That way we both have maybe 1.5 hours instead of 2?

Is this fair?  Can anyone think of other suggestions?  Its the only thing i could come up with so far.  She is 14 and going into high school, I want to keep her visitations up with him as much as possible.  Pretty soon she will choose to hang out with friends and do other things than hang out with either of us lol.

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