Pregnant after IF

sooooo nervous about u/s tomorrow.

Just needed to get it out!  I'll be 6 weeks and 2 days and not having very many symptoms at all.  The main one is I have been getting up during the night to pee about 2-4 times since a few days before my BFP.  My bbs are only tender if I push on them, no nausea, not overly tired.  So pretty much I have freaked myself out with the lack of symptoms.  I swear the next 28 hours are going to feel longer than the past 2 weeks have. 

Thanks for listening!!! 

Me (37) DH (39); PCOS changed to Unexplained, changed to DOR in 2012 (finally a correct diagnosis!); Started TTC 2009; RE 2009/2010- RE cycle #1 clomid+ ovidrel + TI = BFN; RE cycle #2 clomid + ovidrel + TI=BFN; RE cycle #3 femara + ovidrel + IUI= BFN; RE cycle #4 75iu follistim + ovidrel + IUI= BFN; RE cycle #5 150iu follistim + ovidrel + IUI = BFN ; Took a break and had Weight loss surgery in 2011, back to new RE in 2012 ; AMH 0.43 IVF #1 /ICSI and AH; MDL protocol - ER 2/11 5R, 3M, 2F Transfer on 2/14 of 8 cell grade 3 and 8 cell grade 2 embryos. BFN. Image and video hosting by TinyPic
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