1st Trimester

Crazy Scared!!

I just found out that I?m about 4 1/2 to 5 weeks pregnant! At first I had the OMG what am I going to do moment since this was 100% unplanned. Once I went to the Dr. and had it confirmed that yes I am having a baby my mind just changed. I'm going to be a MOM! I've never been so scared in my life! Every little thing that happens to me I get really scared. Not to mention every time I go to the bathroom, which seems to be every 30 mins! I can't help but get this very strong fear that I?m going to see blood. I feel like since I wasn't sure about this when I first found out that God is going to know that I didn?t know if I wanted to go along with this and he might take this amazing little person away from me. My sisters tell me that this is normal since I hadn't planned for it to happen but I can't help but be scared. Is this normal or am I freaking out over nothing?

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