High-Risk Pregnancy

Bloodwork results and potential Lovenox in my future

Hi ladies.  This is actually my first time posting on this board. Sorry, this may be a bit long.

Here is my backstory.  A few days prior to receiving my BFP, I was informed by my rheumatologist that I had Sjogren's syndrome (an autoimmune disorder) and potentially a blood clotting disorder (this would have to be confirmed by a second round of bloodwork in 2-3 months).  DH and I decided to put any plans to have another child on hold until my health was improved BUT, before I could even begin all of the medication the doctor wanted me on, I decided to POAS and got my positive.  

I was immediately referred by my OB to a perinatologist.  My OB and the perinatologist decided to monitor my bloodwork for the time being since I had no known history of miscarriage or blood clots.  They did not want me to start any type of blood thinner.  They would also monitor the baby's heartrate every two weeks to check for abnormalities. 

Well, I had my second round of bloodwork last week to recheck all of my levels.  Another one of my levels (Beta 2 Glycoprotein) is now positive in addition to the previously (and still positive) anticardiolipin levels.  I also just discovered that my lupus anticoagulant is positive.  These 3 things= antiphospholid sydrome.  The treatment would more than likely be Lovenox.

Sorry for the length of this! I'm wondering if anyone on the board had a similar diagnosis.  Also, I'm a bit nervous at the prospect of taking Lovenox.  Are any of you currently taking it?  Any insight is greatly appreciated! 


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