Pregnant after IF

Placenta Previa, Anyone?

Hi, Girls!

Happy Hump Day!  well, we had our third High-Risk U/S yesterday, and we have a complete placenta previa.  The High-Risk OB recommends a 36-week C-Section.  I follow-up with my regular OB today, so I am interested to see what she says.  Arrgh. 

I haven't done any googling about it.  I don't want to make myself crazy, and frankly, it is what it is.

How early are my PAIF'ers going?

Thanks, girls.

Happily married since May 21, 2005.
DH - 33; Me - 32
TTC #1 since April, 2011.
DH: S/A Great
Tilted uterus and "hostile" CM - Low LH and Progestrone
IUI #1 - October 23, 2012 + Prometrium = BFN
IUI 2.1 & 2.2 (November 19-20) - Clomid 50 mg + Ovidrel + IUI + Prometrium = BFN
IUI 3.1 & 3.2 (December 17-18) - Clomid 100 mg (1 follie) + Ovidrel + IUI + Prometrium = BFP.....EDD 9/9/13....6wk & 2 day - Heard/Saw Heartbeat - 104 bpm! YAY! BabyFruit Ticker
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