Blended Families

Oldest SD & FB Vent So Ridiculous!!

So let me start by saying that I do not put negative things on my fb at all. I share a lot of pictures of the kids and some quotes.

I put a status on FB 2 days ago saying exactly this: This momma needs a vacations.... I can't get 5 minutes of silence!

I just found out last night that "I was talking about my SD's and I don't want to be here for them all day everyday like I am anymore"  That's what someone got from that status!

My husband doesn't have FB.. he hates it.. he thinks it's a bunch of drama and now I see why. BC that's what DH's family makes it out to be. DH's uncle came to visit last night and he always tells DH what he is hearing from other family members. I am not allowed to confront this situation bc they will know how we heard it and the uncle will not get anymore info.

I know this seems extremely petty but I am p!ssed! When I do put a status on there it's about something that the kids are doing or how I am proud of them for doing something. I just don't see how that status could be twisted so much.. Can I not joke about having a vacation.. I mean really.

I also don't see how it was just about my SD's.. I have two kids and 2 SS's plus I have 3 extra kids here because they don't want to go home.


As far as where this rumor originated from... it was one of three ppl.. and I'm pretty sure I know exactly which one it was.. my oldest SD who just moved out and in with her BF. Things aren't going as well as she planned and doesn't want to tell DH bc doesn't want him to be right about the whole moving out in the first place, as she has only been gone a little about 2 weeks. We wanted SD to stay at least until she finished HS. Since SD has moved in with BF when she turned 18 BF has quit his job because it was too many hours!!! And SD is seeing that BF has no intentions on trying to find another.  Oldest SD played the mom role before I came along.. even when BM #2 was still here. So she would be the one to put the focus on youngest SD's from that status. Oldest SD was nothing but mean to youngest SD's when she thought no one could hear.

Oldest SD moved in with my MIL for a  month at the beginning of the year bc it was just so horrible here. She was crying to come back within a month. But while SD was gone... She pulled the same crap... DH and I almost split up over it. SD told DH that I was flirting with someone.. I got woke up at 1am with DH (not married yet at the time) really upset with me over a picture comment on FB and it was turned into me flirting and having an affair with someone!... I hadn't even seen the comment so how was that flirting when I obviously hadn't responded. SD never admitted it was her but I guessed her first and DH told me it was.

when DH got that phone call he was told to watch me closely because I have a thing going on with so and so. It was ridiculous.

So I know it was her. SD wants to cause problems for DH and I just like the last time she moved out so she will be needed to come back to care for the younger kids. There was no need for that.. DH was hoping SD would want to come back and was so happy when she did.. Right before she turned 18 it was nothing but drama. SD asked youngest SD's if she could give them a bunch of make up.. I said no bc the colors were black, blue and purple eyeshadow, black eyeliners dark blush... things like that. They have plenty of play make up and light pink colors from the mary kate and Ashley... age appropriate.. you can barely see it on them but they love playing with it. SD18 gave it to them anyways after hearing me say no. She did things like this for about a week before moving.

I didn't delete her from FB.. I think it's petty.. I don't go to her page to spy on her.. I didn't do that when she lived here. I figured if she wanted to talk to me about something then she would. And she usually did.

My page is set to private but anyone on my page can clearly see that my time and love are for the kids.. all of them but it's mostly my 2 youngest SD's that are in the pictures and things because they are with me full time. The boys often go with DH or are out back in the game room.

Sorry for the long rant... I am just really upset about this.

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