Babies: 0 - 3 Months

STTN question

Vivi is 10 weeks 2 days old and usually falls asleep between 8 and 9pm for a 5-6 hour stretch, then up to feed and back down again for another 3-4 hours before waking for the day.  She was 13 lbs at her 2 month appt last Wednesday.

I had a coworker tell me that at 13 lbs she should be sleeping through the night completely.  Something about an hour for every pound is how long she's able to sleep for??  Has anyone else heard this?  Our pedi is happy with her growth and said to just keep feeding her when she wants to eat, not really worrying about daily ounce intake.  Should I be letting her cry/fuss through that MOTN wake up instead of getting up and offering a bottle (which she always takes like she's never eaten before in her life - so I knopw she's hungry)?  I've tried offering her a little more for her last evening feeding (we do 4 oz bottles for each feeding so I'd offer 5-6 for the last evening meal) but she always just winds up spitting up more so I'm pretty sure her tummy isn't ready for that much at one time.

How is your 10 week old sleeping/eating??

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