High-Risk Pregnancy


It's 4:00am and here I am laying wide awake in my own bed with my husband snoring next to me and my 15 month old ds breathing heavily In the baby monitor.... All that keeps running through my mind is "this is the last time I'll have this for 3 months!!!!" "I can't do this!!!" "What if I bleed too much during delivery and don't make it?" "I'm going to miss out on so much!" "I don't want to do this!"...
After being told I was going to be hospitalized for the remainder of my pregnancy yesterday, I went home to pack and found out a family friend died yesterday in a motorcycle accident. His wife is due with their first baby in 3 days. I already have such separation anxiety with regard to leaving ds, who I have never left overnight before, and who will still be living at home with dh, this reminder of how fragile life is and how we have no control over what happens us wrecking havoc on my already shot nerves and emotions. I know I'm just stressed and nervous right now and that everything will be fine in the end, but I'd appreciate any thoughts and prayers for a smooth transition to hbr for my family and I. Also t and p for my friends wife as she delivers her first in such a rough time! So sorry for the vent and depressing post, but I just needed to get it out. Thanks ladies.
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