Baby Showers

Thank You card etiquette question

Short version: Is it weird to send out an announcement and a thank you note in the same envelope? 


I had a small shower, but we ended up receiving a large number of gifts from not just shower guests but other family, friends, and co-workers also. I haven't gotten around to Thank You cards yet. 

Would it be weird to send out thank you notes after the baby arrives, and include a photo/announcement of the baby? Some of our out-of-state relatives in particular are older and not really email/Facebook types, and have asked us to mail a photo. I was thinking I could just have a bunch printed and include them with other cards too, and have the announcement/photo accompany the Thank You notes.  Should we limit the photo to just the few who requested one, or would it be ok to include for others as well?  Should I just send both things separately to everyone?

Thanks in advance. 

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