Blended Families

Hearing Outcome...

So it was settled completely today. For now anyways.

BM gets EOW supervised by her parents 'eyes and ears.' Alternating holidays. Alternating half of Christmas break. One week this July. One week June and one week July next year. Then in two years, every other week during Summer vacation. BM must give at least 14 days written notice of Summer visitation time. She gets two 4years hr visits this week to 'reacquaint' before EOW starts next weekend. Both parties get phone calls at 7pm on Tues and Thurs.

So... could have been worse. Could have been better. Our attorney said that she will screw up before the every other week summers start so don't worry. They told us to keep documenting like we were to establish a pattern. Said if Kamryn says anything about showers with BM or sleeping with BM or anything else again to put SD in counseling because a counselor can testify about what a child says, but parents cannot testify about what the child tells them.

CS is being figured up. Not that we will see any of it.

So we essentially back to square one. Said we cannot file contempt on any one thing. We have to multiple incidences to bring it up.

Strangely, DH is not in a bad mood. I really don't want to talk about this anymore. Just updating you all on how it went.

Oh and BTW, SD's brother and sister's dad decided, after three years of telling us they would release whatever information we needed to help SD, that he doesn't want us to use any evidence involving his kids. They have even quit answering SD' calls when she wants to talk to her brother and sister. Would have been a slam dunk with that info. So I am kind of pissed right now.
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