Babies: 6 - 9 Months

sleep training in conjunction w/magic sleepsuit

Has anyone tried sleep training while using the magic sleepsuit?  Ds has a range of sleep problems, and we have been working through them with a pediatric sleep nurse.  We are making progress, but she would like to wean him from the sleepsuit before we work on sttn (he is up every 1-2 hours still).  It is not working, and the more I try to take the sleepsuit away, he actually starts to regress from the progress we have made.  I am wondering if it is too early to wean him from the sleepsuit (he just turned 6 months), and if we can allow him to cry for brief periods in his crib with us helping soothe  (similiar to camping out method) while he is in his sleepsuit. I guess my only concern is whether it is mean to have him cry while his movements are somewhat constricted by the sleepsuit. 
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