High-Risk Pregnancy

Please share your rescue cerclage story - UPDATE

Long story short, my doctor has finally agreed to a cerclage. I'm 23 weeks 3 days. Please share your rescue cerclage stories. How far along were you? What was your cervix "situation" Did they put you completely under or give you an epi? What was your outcome. I'll admit I'm very nervous/scared right now. My cervix is back at 1.8 and I'm funneling. My fear is if I choose to do nothing continue with the Prog.supps and bed rest this little boy will be born early. On the other hand, rescue cerclages have their own risks. I'm damned if I do, damned if I don't. But I think I have a better chance with a cerclage.

UPDATE: The team of MFMs met and the consensus was to NOT do the cerclage because I'm contracting. They say say a cerclage could put me in PTL and rupture my cervix. They've started me on Indocin every four hours. They're keeping me here overnight and if contractions stop, they'll send me home or I can choose to remain here. My urine culture also came back positive for Group B strep; a bladder infection they say and another reason they don't want to do the stitches.  

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