3rd Trimester

Vent: Insensitive guys at my work

I work with 3 guys & one other PT lady.  Now I don't expect the guys to obviously be asking me questions or be super interested in my pregnancy or the baby (only 1 has a kid & he's in his early 20s & a bit immature), but they have seriously been so insensitive lately.  I'm 9 mos pg - my direct manager just asked me this morning if I was having a boy or girl.  Of course I obviously told him way back when I found out (in one ear, out the other).  Then at a mtg just now about the summer projects another guy says 'well, I'd rather be at work than at home with a newborn baby!'  geez!!  I gave him a dirty look & told him it wasn't nice & he did apologize, he felt bad, but seriously?  come on!  Also, I'm not expecting anything, but one of the guys got married last summer - the upper manager took everyone out to lunch to celebrate, we all pitched in for a gift card - do you think they'd do anything for me?  Even just bring in bagels or something small like that, a card?  nope..  Sorry - just needed to get this off my chest - people can be so insensitive.  I can't wait for next week (my last week working) & I can get out of here for 3 months & not look at them...
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