High-Risk Pregnancy

Being admitted... Advice?

Hi ladies. Ive posted here on occasion and it looks as though I'm joining those of you on hbr. I've been on mbr at home for the past 9 weeks and after yesterday's mfm appt an u/s my drs have decided it is too risky for me to be more than 5 min from medical care... And I live 50 minutes from the hospital. So I was told to go home, pack, get my ds schedule organized and to meet my dr at ld tomorrow at noon. I am currently 24 weeks 3 days and we are hoping to make it to at least 34 weeks before my c section.
I am wondering what advice you ladies can give me as far as what to pack and how to keep occupied. I'll be in the hospital for the remainder of my pregnancy. I'll be on sbr with bathroom privileges.
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