1st Trimester

Whats going on?

I recently found out was pregnant. I had two estimates given to me about how far along I was anywhere between 3-5 weeks. I only got a barely positive. However I started bleeding a week later for 3 days (vary light enough to notice, only seed light clots, brown to dark red in color). I had mild cramps. So I decided to test a week later to see if I was still pregnant and I had several negatives tests. Its been two weeks since the bleeding stopped. My symptoms has yet to decline. I have nausa, dizziness, (newest 2 days ago)metal mouth, moodiness (my poor bf), heartburn (normally never have), low back ache, sore chest and super hungry with food cravings ( I was craving and nearly ate a whole fryer CHICKEN!) . I am not sure what is going on. I do not have health insurance and I do not have a couple hundred $$ to visit the doc if its "just" normal. I was having unprotected sex up to the 29th of Jun (3 days after I bleed). Is it normal for this, what is going on? Is it normal to get more systoms and for them to remain the same after an earlly miscarriage??? IS there still a baby in there or am I pregnant again? Please help.
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