Babies: 0 - 3 Months

breaking a habit

My son has been having digestive issues so we've beenallowing him to sleep on DH or I while we "sleep" on the couch so that he's more up right. Its been almost 2 weeks now, however, and I am really starting to miss being in the same bed as my husband!!! Any ideas on how to break this habit? 

Here's what we've tried:

Napping in crib (so he knows "this is where you sleep") He naps beautifully in the crib which is what leads me to believe it's habit we need to break. 

Elevating one side of crib

Gas drops, Colic Calm


swadding with arm out 

Only allowing him to fall asleep on us then directly to bed (he wakes up within 5 min) 

Last night only, I would rock him to sleep then put him directly back in his crib. When he woke up 5 min later, I would rock him back to sleep and put him back in his crib. I repeated this process for an hour and a half before I gave in to the power of sleep. 

So far, his eating habits have been normal at night (every 3 hours) and he's sleepy. Yesterday he was awake for the majority of the day, just 3 hour and a half long naps so I don't think he's got his days and nights mixed up but maybe... we try and make those times very different.

Anyway, any thoughts mommy experts??? 

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