Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Feeding frustration!!

6 times out of 8 feedings throughout the day, LO will fall asleep after finishing the first ounce or so and the remainder of the feed is like pulling nails.  Trying to wake him up with wet cloth, diaper change, etc, or just trying to force him to finish the rest by not stopping.  Sometimes I will put him down for 10-20 minutes and try again, will some success.  Half the time, I can eventually get him to take his full feeding but other times end up shorting it.  He has feeding issues from a long NICU stay (and he only eats around 80 ML per feeding, but of concentrated 27 calorie formula) but the pedi and the GI/nutritionist do not see this particular issue as one that has a solution other than push through it.


Does anyone else have this problem, and any tricks or solutions to address it?

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