Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Newborn will not sleep in crib!!!

My newborn is 16 days old and is being exclusively breastfed.  Of course, she loves being held and we do so often. However, she refuses to sleep in her crib.  We've tried two different ones:  a rocking cradle and a plain basinett.  We've tried putting her in awake and putting her in asleep.  We've tried swaddling and not swaddling.  As soon as her body hits the mattress her arms and legs fly out and she's wide awake. Within five minutes she's crying and will continue to cry until you pick her up.  Not sure what else to do here...  she needs to learn to sleep in her own crib.  I've hesitantly introduced a pacifier today, planning on using it only when laying her down for a nap...  I'm just fearful it will sabotage our breastfeeding success so far.   Any other advice from moms in similar circumstances?


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