Toddlers: 12 - 24 Months

weaning help!! desperate!

hi ladies ... in desperate need for some help!

my daughter is 21 months, and i have been breastfeeding her on demand from the very beginning.  it's really not such a problem during the day -- i pump while i'm at work for my husband (who stays at home) to give her the next day, and when i'm home in the afternoon/evening, i love the time close to her since i haven't seen her during the day. the problem is at night ...

we co-sleep, and she pretty much uses my breasts as pacifier at night -- and it's just gotten to the point that i can't take it anymore.  i can't move in bed because then she wakes up.  my nipples in the morning are raw and painful.  and if she has a nightmare or is dreaming of food, she starts chewing on my nipple -- that that hurts with those teeth!

 so i guess i'm looking for anyone who can give my some insight as to how to wean her at night.  i'm not looking to stop the co-sleeping, or really the one or two actual feedings we have together -- just help at night!!

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