Babies: 3 - 6 Months

BF moms who have returned to work

Hi all,

Yesterday was my first day back at work. Since he was 4 weeks old we had been giving little guy bottles occasionally when I went out for a few hours without him. He had no problem with the bottles and would usually finish them or nearly finish (taking about 3 oz). However, yesterday the most our nanny could get him to take was 1.5 oz in the morning, then only .5oz at a time twice later, for a total of 2 oz all day (from 8 to 2). Last night I went out and got a few different bottles/nipples to try out with him. But I guess this morning he only took 1.5oz again. 

Has anyone else had trouble getting their baby to take much from bottles? What did you do and did anything work? Maybe he just needs to get used to the nanny, as he doesn't really know her well yet? I am supposed to go away this weekend while my husband takes care of little guy, but obviously I can't go if little guy won't drink much from a bottle. 

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