Blended Families

Gift to myself

Since separating from XH, money has become instantly easier.

I am paying all my bills on time again. I am paying back my parents.  I have one lawyer paid off and I'm about to pay off my other.  I am putting money into an investment fund.  The CO money is going into a college fund.  I have enough money left over to buy casual and work wardrobe clothes and any need I have for DD.

I really have no financial stress anymore.  Money is not flowing, and I am most certainly on a budget and not spending frelly, but it's good.  Overall it is an amazing the difference from the financial burden that XH and his kids had become.

So I thought it time I spoil myself a little. I got a nice little bonus check from a manufacturer who's product I sell. This is an extra perk - it's not part of my regular salary, commission, or bonus plan.  I splurged on an ipad that I've been wanting and waiting on for some time now.  It arrives today.  I am actually feeling a little guilty. I could have paid off my lawyer. I could have given that entire check to my parents to help pay them back.  I could have invested it.  Maybe I should have. Then's been a long time since I've splurged on something really nice for myself.  Maybe it's time and I just I get over it and maybe just this once....

The next big fat check I can go back to being responsible again.   


LOL!  Obviously I need a little validation here.

"he offered her the world. she said she had her own" - poet Monique Duval
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