Attachment Parenting

increased nursing in almost two year old

Hi-I have an almost two year old daughter, and we are nursing still-she loves it and so do I.  I don't plan on weaning until she is ready.  My question is that lately she has increased her nursing sessions quite a bit, both in terms of number per day and duration.  She's gone from waking up once or not at all at night to 2-3 times, and asking to nurse each time.  She is also nursing more frequently during the day.  I try offering food instead, thinking she must be going through a growth spurt, but she typically refuses that.  Nothing has changed in her schedule, although she is developing a lot of new words really quickly, so it could be a developmental leap.  But, I also feel that my supply has really decreased over the past few months-did any of you notice an increase in nursing like this when your supply decreased as your toddler aged?


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