Toddlers: 12 - 24 Months

metopic ridge?

Hello fellow mamas. I haven't posted on here in a while, but I have a serious question. Are any of you familiar with metopic ridges? Here's the deal. My DS had torticollis and plageo. We did the helmet and tons of PT. The issue was completely resolved by 10 months. Now over the last month, I've noticed the appearance of a ridge forming from his soft spot down to his forehead. Needless to say I am freaking the k out! Is this normal? Could it be the sutures of his cranium closing too early...craniosynthesis? Could his helmet have caused this? Am I being completely paranoid given our history. It's really not that noticeable DH didn't notice until I pointed it out. But I can feel it and I notice it. I am fixated on it honestly. We have an appt. With the pedi at 10am and I'm making one with his neuro dr. we saw previously for the tort and plageo. Any ideas out there? Any experience with this?TIA for any info. Scared mama here.
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