Single Parents

So I talk to one of my oldest friends today..

We went to highschool together, and have stayed close even though we both have moved around as adults.. 

He tells me how he just got a Dna test done and he's pissed off because this chic "just wants my money" she doesn't want anything to do with him, doesn't want him to meet his kid, (who is apparently 5 yrs old) and kept calling it a "kid" instead of son or daughter.. (I still am not sure if he has a boy or girl.. )

He went on to say how his new girlfriends kids are his children, and he's trying to have a baby with her and he doesn't like how this *** just wants "my money" shes trying to take away from my kids, bills keep piling up, blah blah blah

Anyways.. I'm like in the exact opposite situation, & he knows it.. He knows I recently filed for child support for my 6 month old, he knows the father has ignored me since the day I told him I was pregnant, He knows that my sons sperm donor went on to create (and play daddy to) another baby just 2 months after creating my child...

I don't want the kids dad involved.. He's a bad person.. if he files for visitation and wins of course I will do what the courts say i have to do... I think my son deserves help from his other creator though... the $ will go to him not me.. 

But My friend knows all of this and it just frustrated me so bad while he was ranting about it & as soon as he was finished he changed the subject & ended the convo< it completely took me by surprise that he was being such an .. 

He doesn't want to meet this kid or try to be in its life or anything and I'm just beyond myself not knowing how to process that one of my closest friends is choosing to do this..

Idk what would you ladies do in a situation like this.. ? how would you talk to your friend? or just avoid the subject.. ?

I kinda want to tell him "you have a right to file for visitation and custody & I kinda think its the right thing to do"  

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