Special Needs

Insurance sucks vent

So I get a call-back from ortho and even after checking on it the stupid insurance company wants MORE proof for DD's braces - she was measured 3 months ago! There is a letter of medical necessity along with other notes, ortho is writing more notes for them but it makes me mad.

Also, even though it is standard in most hospitals, they won't let DD stay the night after her endo/pH probe placement because "insurance won't cover it." So after checking with our local Ronald McDonald House and finding they only have 6 rooms total here - it looks like a hotel room so we are close if it comes out or if she pulls it out.

I work in a place where if you are drunk and fall down on your face, it's covered or it's a loss - but kids who need help, support, parents who have no one to hold their hand can 't get it because the place they work for who bought out the damn insurance won't cover it. Sorry I am just pissed today.

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