Toddlers: 12 - 24 Months

This kid...

This kid is driving me bonkers today! He learned a fun new word this weekend: No. He uses it to express his displeasure at least 300 times a day. It was cute the first 20 times or so. Not so much anymore.

He is on a food strike and keeps throwing all of his food. And not just on the least ten feet in any given direction. There was ham stuck to my kitchen window after lunch time. 

He is testing limits like crazy and I swear if he goes through the cat door one more time I am putting him to bed and making a margarita.

Good thing he's so darn cute. ;-) For every annoying thing he does at least three awesome things. He also learned how to give kisses this weekend but only gives them to me and not my husband. I secretly love that and am soaking up every single one. He sure knows how to push my buttons but he also sure knows how to make my heart melt!

What is your kid doing lately that is driving you nuts?

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