High-Risk Pregnancy

New here, with GD diagnosis question

Hi all

I have been diagnosed with GD at 31 weeks, and I have to be honest that I took the news pretty badly. I had a scare early in my pregnancy but have since felt great, and wasn't expecting to be dealing with GD.

I am ready and willing to do whatever it takes though, to keep my sweet girl healthy, but my concern is whether getting a reasonably late diagnosis will cause any issues?

Obviously the intention is to control the GD with diet, and meds if required, but given I will be 32 weeks before I even see the dietician, could there already be damage done?

Can't help but feel I have let me little girl down, even though I know it's out of my control. 

TTC Since March 2010 - 2 angel babies - BFP December 12 EDD 12 Aug 13 Lilypie Maternity tickers Image and video hosting by TinyPic
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