Babies: 6 - 9 Months

Intro and Question

Hi everyone,

My DS turned 6 months last week. He had his 6 mos. appt. today. He weighs 20 pounds. We just started introducing solids, but up until now he's been ebf. He's very healthy looking. Lots of cute baby rolls!

Anyway, my pedi thinks he's perfectly healthy. My MIL, on the other hand, is telling everyone behind my back that DS is too fat. She thinks I nurse him too much. She specifically says I nurse him every time he cries, which isn't true.

My husband and SIL told me about her complaints, so I sent 4 articles to her discussing breastfeeding and obesity. My email with the linked articles just said, hope you're doing we'll and here are some articles that may interest you. Anyway, I guess I'm just posting this to see if anyone has dealt with anything similar? How did you handle it? Etc. Thanks for reading this...

ETA: In case it isn't clear, the articles I sent defend my stance that I should nurse the baby when he's hungry and that he doesn't need food restrictions.
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