Baby Showers

College fund donations!

Ugh. So yesterday I had my final, thank the lord, shower and it was wonderful. We had a few good games, but not to many. Lots of yummy food and cake. And we got so many gifts.

There was however, a massively tacky no no that I am ashamed to admit. They had a piggy back with a note to leave money for babies college fund. Oh, as soon as I saw that I side eyed MYSELF. And I didn't even have anything to do with it.

But other then that everything went great. We got so many nice things and I am so appreciative for the women who hosted it.

Oh, and the theme was ducks. And there were ducks, rubber of course.....EVERYWHERE! And they sent them all home with me. So. Many. Ducks. 29 of them to be exact. I seriously feel like setting them free, in the garbage.

ETA: college not collage
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