Babies: 3 - 6 Months

Cysts on baby's kidneys..

Hi there,

I don't post a lot but do a lot of reading..I could use some help...

I have a beauitful 5 month old DD.  Friday she was running a temp and throwing up.  We brought her to the doctor who told us to bring her to the hospital.  She's usually laughing and smiling and she was just laying there in a trance.

We brought her to the ER, they ran a bunch of tests and after throwing up everywhere and running a temp of 104.8 they found out she had a UTI.  She was placed on antibiotics and we stayed overnight.

She's back to her giggly self now, eating and keeping it all down, no fever.

The pedi called this morning and told me she had an abnormal ultrasound and that they had found cysts in her right kidney.  The left was fine.  I had to call the urologist and make an appointment.  I called and it takes 24-48 hours to review test results and to schedule one.

So now, my husband and I don't have many answers as to what this means, or what we may have to do.  I'm trying really hard to just relax and wait and see.

Anyone else have this problem or know someone who has?



EDD - 12.26.12 Audrey Nora born 12.30.12
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